Your MYM Options
Meet Dr. Dolly
Pro Will Write For You
Published Samples and Memoirs
Sample Topics and Seminars
Why Share Life Stories?
Biz-Org Story Benefits
Value Of Story Sharing
Life Stories Link People
Share WWII Era Stories
Roots, Heritage, Culture
Your Mid-East Heritage
ME to WE, Community
Historic Disaster Stories
Write Your Love Story
Mini Tales, Many Uses
We’ll Come To You
Gift Certificates
Berthelot Consulting, Inc.
Unity In Diversity
Other Dr. Dolly Workshops
Delighted Clients
Dr. Dolly’s Mine Your Memories Options
Creative services and learning experiences are all custom tailored to individual needs and preferences. Each client is in the driver’s seat. Options include private advice, business consultation, mentoring, coaching, tutoring; expert interviewing; professional writing; polished editing; workshops, seminars, keynote speeches, or other presentations; and group facilitation. Work may be done in person, by email, telephone, snail mail, or any combination. You may enjoy visiting us in historic Pensacola or beautiful Pensacola Beach or other Emerald Coast beaches, or we’ll come to your worksite, organization, community, home, or other mutually agreeable site, almost anywhere.
- Consulting, guidance–Consulting, guidance, mentoring, coaching. Put an expert, a support system, and a personal cheerleader at your fingertips. Dr. Dolly Berthelot is devoted to helping you reflect and communicate to achieve whatever you want (or need) to achieve, using your own life experiences. She’ll guide you through all stages of the vital remembering, examining, recording, and perhaps publishing process–under circumstances you choose. These services can focus on either personal or professional issues; for individuals, businesses, or organizations; one-on-one in person (your place or ours), by email, or by telephone, no matter where you are in your life span, in your expertise level, or in our world. Some basic consultation is required, whatever other options you choose.
- In-depth interviewing–In-depth interviewing services use the provocative, perceptive questions of a master elicitor to stimulate your recollections, probe your psyche, bring your gems of experience to the surface so that they can be examined, recorded, shaped, preserved, and polished to perfection by you or by a professional writer. Dr. Dolly Berthelot (or a MYM-trained associate) will interview you, other members of your family or life circle, other members of your organization or business. This internationally published writer, former daily newspaper editor, magazine editor and publisher, and journalism/writing professor has interviewed countless people of all kinds. Many are surprised at what they’ve said and delighted with how much of value they have to say–to themselves as well as to others.
Dr. Dolly will meet with you in person on the beautiful Gulf Coast of NW Florida or other mutually agreeable sites. She will also interview you by phone, email, or a combination. - Professional writing–Our professional writing services assure that your stories will be well told, so folks will enjoy reading them, now and in the future. Stories may vary in length, style, form, and format, depending on your intended purpose and audience. Some examples:
- mini tales, even one tightly, brightly written page to mark special occasions or to display with heirlooms, albums and scrapbooks
- marketing stories designed for ads, menus, or other promotionals
- profile stories written as newspaper or magazine feature articles
- humanized life and family histories, genealogy stories, from article to book lengths, whether intended primarily for families and friends or a wider audience
- books, written as biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, or other form. Suitable for publication, whether actually published or not.
Obviously having your stories professionally written necessarily involves consulting, interviewing, and polished editing. With this option, you will serve as information source and active participant in the process, but will need no special knowledge or skills in writing, editing, or publishing. Writer and client will mutually agree on such factors as handling of author credits, title, content, and first or third person viewpoint, depending on circumstances, professional standards, and client preferences. See A Pro Will Write For You
- Evaluation and Polished editing— If you have or want to develop the knowledge, skills, and commitment to write your own stories, you may want to do the writing yourself, at least initially. If so, we will read, evaluate, and offer expert recommendations, and professionally edit, revise, or rewrite as needed to polish the work to perfection. Such services help you produce clear, correct, interesting, finished manuscripts, work that best serves your purposes, work that attracts and enthralls the people you want (and need) to reach, now or in the future.

- Dynamic workshops–A variety of memorable workshops, seminars, classes, and programs, are available in historic Pensacola, on the gorgeous Emerald Gulf Coast of Northwest Florida or at your site, almost anywhere that is easily accessible and relatively safe. All events are customized to meet each client’s needs and preferences, geared to clients’ various personal, professional, organizational, or business purposes. Dr. Dolly only rarely offers public seminars open to a random mix of people; however, businesses, organizations, or individuals may create groups of 10 or more persons who share a goal to learn, experience, or achieve something pertinent to Dr. Dolly’s expertise. Workshops or programs may be brought to any mutually agreeable site or arranged as a retreat on the beautiful Northwest Florida Gulf Coast or historic Pensacola. See workshops in Mine Your Memories�, Story Sharing, Write Your Life, and other communication workshops by Dr Dolly, including innovative SELFSHAPESï™/RELATIONSHAPES™.
- Group facilitation–Perhaps you have special needs, goals, and preferences. Besides her original existing workshops, Dr. Dolly will plan with you, custom design suitable processes and offer sensitive facilitation to help your group best deepen understanding of self and others; foster teamwork, unity in diversity, and real community; provide insightful opportunities for spiritual growth, self help, or healing; develop a particular kind of material to leave a personal or business legacy; or simply enjoy memorable, fun experiences with new or old friends. Programs developed for groups of people with specific disabilities, chronic or terminal illnesses, or addictions would differ greatly from those designed for leisure learning retirees, residents in condos or planned communities, schoolteachers, business executives, or religious congregations. As with other services, these will be provided in a retreat setting on the gorgeous Gulf Coast of NW Florida or at your preferred site, almost anywhere.
“There’s a world of wisdom in our personal stories. Your life is a legacy, a gift that only you can give. Why waste something so precious?” Dolly Berthelot
All services are fully guaranteed to your satisfaction.
Mine Your Memories™ is created by Dr. Dolly Berthelot
professional writer, editor, communication consultant, author.
Email Now: drdollyb@gmail.com. NEXT>>