Pro Will Write For You—
Or Edit For Excellence

Your Life, Family, Biz, Organization Stories

Dr. Dolly Berthelot will professionally write your life stories, autobiography, biography, memoirs, family history stories, organizational or business stories, whether one-page displays, newspaper and magazine articles, or book manuscripts. Or she’ll individually guide, mentor, coach, and edit your writing of these important stories. Whatever options you choose, she’ll help you determine, target, and reach the right audience for your material and provide a quality product that others will want to read, both immediately and in the future.

To write your stories she will interview you extensively (or briefly, for short, focused stories), interview others as needed, and study your documents, photos, and artifacts that you provide. She will further research, as needed, the times, places, and cultures that provide important context and settings for your stories.

Prefer to do it yourself? If you’re a natural or trained writer or just prefer to write it yourself, Dr. Dolly will professionally evaluate, offer support and guidance, and take your work through whatever further development and polishing is needed. Even good writers need good editors!

Who needs top quality? You do–to make the words appealing and meaningful to other people! Journaling and other writing only for yourself are surely worthwhile, but top professional help offers you opportunities to do far more. Dr. Dolly will help you determine what’s feasible and how to best achieve your goals, whether that’s a one-copy gift for your parent, spouse, child or other loved one; an article suitable for publication; a family history book for family and friends; memoirs to be sold commercially; a story to humanize your business; mini-stories for teaching, passing on values, or explaining heirlooms or photos; or any of many potential purposes. Good stories get read!

This pro draws from deep expertise and 3 decades writing and publishing. She’s honed skills though years as a daily newspaper writer and editor, internationally published magazine writer, book author, independent editor of manuscripts and books, magazine-book designer, small publisher, award winning student publication advisor, writing teacher and professor, technical writer and editor for science and industry, and creative writer of poetry and short stories for all ages. As professor of writing and journalism advisor for Loyola University and elsewhere, she has garnered top awards. Her masters and doctorate from University of Tennessee focused on communication, writing, and publishing, and creatively teaching those skills to other adults. Besides her own true life stories (see published sample "Confessions of a Mad Collector" [Acrobat PDF]) and memoirs in progress, she has written and published stories about all kinds of people, from movie stars to blind karate black belts, clowns, 104-year-old French priests, and women coping with change. She has advised and/or edited for book publishers, Nobel Prize winners, renowned biologists, professors, fellow writers, and "ordinary folks," of which she believes there are none! See longer Dr. Dolly expertise capsule here.

All services are fully guaranteed to your satisfaction.

Mine Your Memories™ is created by Dr. Dolly Berthelot
professional writer, editor, communication consultant, author.
Email Now: drdollyb@gmail.comNEXT>>